
Dwarfism Test Results (Facebook Group)



Color Testing

UC Davis



Historical Minis

AMHA Studbook

AMHR Studbook







Miscellaneous Pages

The items listed below are purely listed here for information purposes. Please do your own independent research (talk to a vet about medical conditions!). These items have been collected over the past fifteen+ years and sitting on my hard drive! Many I haven’t a clue where they came from and/or whom the authors are. They are sited if known. So I make no claims to having created any of it!

Body Condition Score sheet

Different types of Equine Heads Collage

Conformation diagram


Foal Presentation Chart

Congenital Abnormalities

Selenium Deficiency Map

Lethal White Color Chart

Foaling Calculator

Gelding photos & video





There are great groups out there on Yahoo, Facebook and probably others if you do a search!